- CIGOS-2015: Innovations in Construction
Association of Vietnamese Scientists and Experts – AVSE
Association of Civil Engineering, Mechanics and Materials – GCMM
Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan – ENS Cachan
EcoleCentraleSupélec - ECS
École Spéciale des Travaux Publics, du bâtiment et de l’Industrie – ESTP
Dates: From May 11st to 12nd, 2015.
Venue: Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan
Key information:
150 experts, scientists as well as representatives of conference partners, essentially from France and Vietnam but also Italy, Belgium, Algeria, Senegal, Japan, China, Korea, Portugal… including 50 PhD candidates, 75 scientists, 25 industrial researchers and developers;
115/158 selected papers presented in 6 technical and scientific sessions;
8 keynote lectures presented by François de Larrard (LAFARGE, France), Anh Minh Tang (École des PontsParistech, France), Dang Hung Nguyen (University of Liège, Belgique), Pierre Wyniecki (Nuvia Structure, France), Alain Puech (Vice-president of CFMS, FUGRO, France), Ba Viet Tran (National Institute of Science and Technology of Construction, Vietnam), DucChinh Pham (Institute of Mechanics, Vietnam) and Paul Vincent (Leader of Campus ENS Cachan Paris-Saclay project, France);
15 supporting letters: The Vietnamese embassy in France, 3 Vietnamese ministers: Minister of Transport, Minister of Construction, Minister of Science and Technology, French agency of development, Business France-Bureau of Hanoi, etc.
Main activities:
Keynote Lectures;
Parallel technical sessions;
Roundtable on “Future collaboration between Vietnam and France on Research and Formation, chaired by Prof. Quy Dao Nguyen (Emeritus Research Director CNRS, France) and Prof. Dang Hung Nguyen (University of Liège, Belgium);
- Professional discussions between Vietnamese and French establishments.
- CIGOS-2013: Construction and Sustainable Development
Association of Vietnamese Scientists and Experts – AVSE
Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon – INSA de Lyon
Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
Ecole National des Travaux Publics de l’Etat – ENTPE
Dates: From Thursday 04th to Friday 05th April 2013
Venue: INSA de Lyon, Villeurbanne FRANCE
Key information:
120 experts, scientists as well as representatives of conference partners (Vietnam Embassy in France, Grand Lyon, MOST, ERAI, INDURA, etc.);
65/80 selected papers presented in 12 technical and scientific sessions;
7 outstanding plenary presentations performed by Henri Van Damme (IFSTTAR, France), Félix Darve(INPG, INDURA, France), Van Thuan Vo (NEPIO, MOIT, Vietnam), Bernard Rivalta(SYSTRAL, France), Christian Ngo (CEA, Edmonium, France), Jean Sinou(CNR, France) and Bernard Yrieux (EDF R&D, France).
Main activities:
Keynote and invited Lectures;
Technical and Scientific Sessions;
Round-table “Economic Intelligence”with the contribution of Daniel Tartonne (Cap Vision, France), Van Phuc Le (APAVE, France), Nivet Michel (IOA, France), Minh Ha (CONINCO, Vietnam), Alice Baumelle (ERAI, France), Olivier Souquet (DeSo, France);
Personalized Meetings;
Visit of Construction Sites (La Confluence).
- CIGOS-2010: High-rise Buildings and Underground Structures
- Association of Civil Engineering, Mechanics and Materials – GCMM
Dates: Thursday 18th to Friday 19th, November 2010
Venue: École des Ponts ParisTech (FRANCE)
Key information:
200 participants with 1/3 coming from Vietnam;
25 organizations, companies, universities from Vietnam; 36 organizations, companies and 12 universities of France;several companies coming from US, Netherlands, Belgium, Swiss, Tunisia;
62 presentations (10 keynote lectures and 52 technical and scientific presentations)
60 personalized meetings between university and society representatives
Main activities:
Keynote Lectures;
Technical and Scientist Sessions;
Personalized Meetings;
Round-table: continuing the engineer training programs; opening some specialized Master programs and shorts courses for Vietnamese engineers; exchange of technical recommendations and performing the Vietnamese Code of construction based in EuroCode;