Keynote speakers

Prof. Tuncer B. EDIL, College of Engineering, University of Wisconsin- Madison, USA


Topic: "Characterization of Recycled Aggregates (RAP and RCA) as Unbound Base Course Material for Sustainable Highway Construction"  

Tuncer Edil received his BS and MS degrees from Robert College in Istanbul, Turkey and his Ph.D. from Northwestern University, all in civil engineering. He is a member of the Academy of Geo-Professionals and a licensed Professional Engineer in Wisconsin. Prof. Tuncer B. Edil has been an active researcher and educator over 40 years at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Prof. Edil is currently serving as Director of the new Recycled Materials Resource Center (RMRC-3G) and also served as Director of the Wisconsin Highway Research Program. He has published over 400 papers in the fields of geotechnical, geoenvironmental, geosynthetics, and pavement engineering. He was founding Chair of ASTM Subcommittee D18.14 on Geotechnics of Sustainable Construction. Dr. Edil is a former Editor-in-Chief of the ASCE’s Journal of Geotechnical Engineering and current Editor-in-Chief of Geotechnical and Geological Engineering journal and Editorial Board Member of Transportation Geotechnics. He organized the ASTM symposium and edited Testing and Specification of Recycled Materials for Sustainable Geotechnical Construction, ASTM STP 1540 in 2012. He served as President of the U.S. Universities Council on Geotechnical Education & Research and President of the ASCE Wisconsin Section.

He is recipient of numerous personal and team/project awards from ASCE, ASTM, and other organizations. In 1972 he received the Student Award of the Year from the ASTM, in l977 the Young Civil Engineer of the Year Award, in l988 Merit Award for Individual Achievement as an Engineering Educator, and in 2010 Distinguished Service Award from the ASCE Wisconsin Section, in l989 The ASCE Journal of Cold Regions Engineering Award for the Best Paper Published, in 1999 Outstanding Civil Engineer Award in ASCE Wisconsin SW Branch, in 1980 Dow Outstanding Young Faculty Award from the American Society of Engineering Education, in 1972 Outstanding Instructor Award from the UW Polygon Engineering Council, and in 1992, 1996 and 2013 Standard Development Awards, in 1997, 2001 and 2013 Special Service Awards, and in 2013 Technical Editors Award from the ASTM, in 2003 Industrial Fabrics Association International, International Achievement Award in geosynthetics projects category, in 2004 Blue Pencil Award in technical report category for the USGS professional paper on Coastal Cliffs from the National Association of Government Communicators, and in 2007 Distinguished Service Award and in 2008 Distinguished Researcher Award from the U.S. Universities Council on Geotechnical Education & Research. He is holder of 2007 Special Science Award from the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey and 2010 The Award of Excellence as the Outstanding Geotechnical Engineering Educator in the Great Lakes Region. He received 2013 Thomas A. Middlebrooks Award, Terzaghi Award and the rank of Distinguished Member from ASCE. Additionally, he has received six team and project awards and numerous paper awards.




Prof. Gregory J. HANCOCK, Emeritus Professor and Professorial Research Fellow, University of Sydney, Australia.


  Topic: "Recent Developments in Design for Structural Stability

Emeritus Professor Gregory Hancock was formerly Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and IT, University of Sydney, from May 2004 to August 2009. He was also Bluescope Steel (formerly BHP Steel) Professor of Steel Structures in the Department of Civil Engineering, from 1990 to 2009. He was Director then Chairman of the Centre for Advanced Structural Engineering in the University of Sydney from 1988 to 2003.

His research interests are in the area of cold-formed steel structures and he was awarded the degree of Doctor of Engineering in 2003 by the University for a collection of 69 papers on this subject. He is a board member of the Australian Steel Institute, a member of the American Iron and Steel Institute Specification Committee (only non-North American member), and chairs the Standards Australia committee on cold-formed steel structures and is a member of 5 other Standards Australia committees in structural engineering. He is a Fellow of the Institution of Engineers Australia, and the Singapore Structural Steel Society. He was elected as a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Science and Engineering in 2004.

He is a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Constructional Steel Research published in London, as well the Journal of Advances in Structural Engineering (Hong Kong).

He is the author of "Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structures to AS/NZS 4600:2005" published by the Australian Steel Institute in 2007, and joint author of "Cold-Formed Steel Structures to the AISI Specification" (Hancock, Murray and Ellifritt) published by Marcel Dekker, New York in 2001.




Asso. Prof, Dr. Guillaume HERVE-SECOURGEON, EDF Lab Paris Saclay - IMSIA; Deputy Director of RENON - IRC/ESTP - Head of the ESTP chair and Master program in Nuclear Civil Engineering, France

 Topic: "New generation of Nuclear Power Plants"  


Civil Engineer from ESTP Paris
M.S. Civil Eng. ENS Cachan (a.k.a. ENS Paris Saclay)
Ph.D. Civil Eng. ENS Cachan (a.k.a. ENS Paris Saclay)

Industrial experience:
Guillaume Hervé-Secourgeon has started working for 15 years in the nuclear civil engineering domain. He has started to build his experience at LMT Cachan for 3 years in the Civil Engineering department in partnership with the military application of CEA (French Atomic Energy Agency). Then for the Civil Work Design Office “Coyne et Bellier” and GDF-Suez for 6 years (working mainly in the nuclear domain on different PWRs : EPR, AP1000, French P4, P’4 and N4 PWR, Experimental Reactor Jules Horowitz, Chinese CPR1000 PWR but also for the Defense Industry and on dam resistance to malevolent acts and earthquakes).

He is with EDF since 2011.
First he has worked for 5 years at the EDF’s National Center for Nuclear Equipment as civil engineer expert mainly for the different EPRs in France, China and in the UK. Now he his working at EDF’s Lab Paris Saclay as civil engineer expert in the framework of earthquake engineering, transient dynamics and structural optimization methods. He is involved in the OECD/NEA as the chair of the program IRIS 3 (Improving robustness assessment of structures impacted by a large missile at medium velocity / Induced vibrations) – impact testing campaign and its associated round robin calculations.

Academic experience:
More than 10 years as lecturer in finite elements and structural dynamics. He has created the nuclear civil engineering chair at ESTP Paris and the first M.Sc. in nuclear civil engineering ever habilitated by the French ministry for higher education and research. He is now professor of structural mechanics at ESTP Paris dealing mainly with computational mechanics and transient dynamics. He is advising different Ph. D in transient dynamics, earthquake engineering and optimization methods of reinforced concrete structures. In parallel he is the head of the nuclear civil engineering chair at ESTP Paris since 2009.
He is now the deputy director of the pre-normative research center in nuclear construction (RENON). This entity is a joint research center of IRC (Constructability Research Institute) laboratory of ESTP Paris and the French Institute of Science and Technology for Transport Development and Network. He his a part of the Institute of Mechanical Sciences and Industrial Applications (IMSIA), a joint research unit of CEA, EDF, ENSTA Paris Tech and CNRS.

Fellowship / Conference:
Chair of the conference on Technological Innovations in Nuclear Civil Engineering (TINCE).
Secretary of the Civil Engineering Chapter of the French Society for Nuclear Energy (SFEN).
Fellow of the French Association for Earthquake Engineering (AFPS)
Fellow of the French Civil Engineering Association (AFGC).
Fellow of the International Society of Impact Engineering.
Lead of the “Finite Element” sub-committee (theoretical basis) of the AFGC’s Finite Element Book.



Prof. Carlo SANSOUR, Faculty of Engineering, Civil Engineering department, University of Nottingham, UK; Civil Engineering Department, INSA de Rennes, France.


 Topic: "From 3-D to 1-D generalised and Cosserat for structural dynamics, fibre reinforced materials and coupled systems"  

Professor Carlo Sansour completed his PhD at the University of Stuttgart and his habilitation in mechanics at the Darmstadt University of Technology before serving as senior lecturer at the Karlsruhe University of Technology. He joined the University of Adelaide, Australia, as Associate Professor before finally taking up a Chair at the University of Nottingham, UK, where he headed the Centre of Structural Engineering. He served as the President of the UK-Association for Computational Mechanics in Engineering and was a member of the Management Board of ECCOMAS (the European Community for Computational Methods in the Applied Sciences) and the Gereal Council of the International Association for Computational Mechanics. He has been on the scientific committees of many international conferences as well as journals in the general areas of theoretical and computational mechanics. For two years he has been a senior Marie Curie Scholar which he spent at INSA Rennes, France. Recently he has moved from the University of Nottingham to which he is still associated to be active at INSA Rennes, France.

His research interests and accomplishments stretch from shell theory and its finite element formulations to computational structural dynamics and energy-momentum methods, from anisotropic inelastic deformations at finite strains to fibre reorientation in biological tissues. Old and recent research area is generalised continua and their numerical implications. Electromechanical coupling is a further area of activity.




Prof. Hitoshi TANAKA, Department of Civil Engineering, Tohoku University, Japan.


 Topic: "Coastal Erosion in Vietnam -Problems and Solutions"  



Prof. Toshimi KABEYASAWA, Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo, Japan.


 Topic: "Effective Slab Width for Evaluating Utilimate Seismic Capacities of Reinforced Concrete Buildings"  



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